Jupiter and Mars



Today’s selfy:

Mars (middle left (I think))

on instagram

Today’s text:

Today’s sound:

Wasn’t sure what fitted with today and came across this and thought not bad for a wintery night-time. More about the title another time…

on delic




Notes to self

Posts daily.

Date at the top of every post.

Each text must be completed on the date of each post.

The photo must be taken on same day as I post it. No filters.

The audio element must be selected on the same day, must be a new link each day, and I must have been directly involved in some aspect of the production or publishing of it.

With the text, I must strikethrough rather than deleting. I can black out bits that would be inappropriate to reveal publicly at the time of writing.

I haven’t decided if I’ll do this if I’m on holiday.

I reserve the right to take a break at some point.

There will just be one post for weekends, not separate ones for Saturday and Sunday.

Changes since the last post:

None so far.

Edits to this post after the day:

This was posted late. More details in the post for 28–29.11.2020.




A daily diary, selfy and sound. Available to the world with the sensitive bits blacked out, for revelation at a later date (or not).